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Capability for the real world

Page history last edited by Norman Jackson 14 years ago



Developing Capability for the Real World 

therough a Lifewide Education (pdf)

Norman Jackson

A conversation between University of Surrey and Queensland University of Technology


Norman Jackson's powerpoint slides



When you watch this inspring film be mindful of the propositions outlined below it. 

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In order to develop students’ capability for a complex world we must create a curriculum that –


Proposition 1: gives them the freedom and empowers them to make choices so that they can find deeply satisfying and personally challenging situations that inspire and engage them.  A curriculum should nurture their spirit: their will to be and become a better more developed person and create new value in the world around them


Proposition 2:  enables them to experience and appreciate knowledge and knowing in all its forms. And enables them to experience and appreciate themselves as knower, maker, player, narrator and enquirer


Proposition 3 : enables them to appreciate the significance of being able to deal with situations and see situations as the focus for personal and collective capability. They need to be empowered to create new situations individually and with others by connecting people and transferring, adapting and integrating ideas, resources and opportunities, in an imaginative, wilful and productive way, to solve problems and create new value.


Proposition  4:  prepares them for and gives them experiences of adventuring in uncertain and unfamiliar situations, through which they encounter and learn to deal with situations that do not always result in success but which do not penalise ‘mistakes’ or failure to reach a successful outcome


Proposition 5 : enables them to develop and practice the repertoire of communication and literacy skills they need to be effective in a modern world


Proposition 6: encourages them to behave ethically and with social responsibility


Proposition 7: engenders their commitment to personal and cooperative learning and the continuing development of capability for the demands of any situation and the more strategic development of capability for future learning


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