Learning through Experience Certificate
Norman Jackson, Director SCEPTrE and Charlie Rickett, Surrey Award & Life-wide Learning Developer
Surrey Centre for Excellence in Professional Training and Education (SCEPTrE)
Purpose: SCEPTrE’s Learning through Experience Certificate can be adapted to any experience-rich context. The Certificate is designed to enable students to integrate and articulate their learning, achievement and experiences from the different aspects of their lives. It provides a framework for encouraging informal learning in areas such as: part time work, volunteering, mentoring, being enterprising, cultural experiences or active engagement in societies or clubs.
What it involves
1) An introductory workshop to create a personal development plan and initial concept map of understandings of the particular experience. A learning agreement is prepared and decisions are made on the form of reflection to be used, for example, weekly journal, blog, video diary and the hours/ period of time to be covered
2) Active participation in the experience itself
3) During the experience an ongoing process of review and reflection is required through the chosen format (journal/ blog/ video diary). Support through mentoring is available throughout this process.
4) A final integrated account is produced to synthesise the learning gained throughout the process which may take the form of: a written account, digital story, video diary, questionnaire, poster presentation or concept mapping
The evidence of reflection and final account is submitted for review to verify that sufficient learning has taken place and on approval the Certificate is awarded. The Certificate has been used in a variety of co-curricular and extra-curricular contexts.
Key Words
Life-wide learning, informal learning, learning through experience, more complete education, employability
For detailed versions of these posters please see:
Life skills portfolio poster.pdf
Learning through Experience Certificate Poster.pdf
Life-wide Learning Award poster.pdf
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