
University of the West of England

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The University of the West of England

Graduate Development Programme (GDP)


Dr Kieran Kelly

Graduate Development Programme Director

Dean of Students Office

University of the West of England



The University of the West of England Graduate Development Programme (GDP) is a University-wide, process-based approach to teaching, learning, personal development and employability, designed to develop students’ capabilities and enhance the student experience. It is neither a compulsory programme nor is it formally assessed in any way that affects the student’s degree. More than is common in a university setting, the GDP rests upon collaboration and a meeting of minds between tutor and student.



• To make academic and personal development, the learning of skills and the employability of students explicit in order to improve the quality of the student experience through retention, progression and achievement

• To use a common set of aims and outcomes shared across the University, so as to develop distinct ‘UWE Graduates’ in terms of their capabilities.



The GDP is adaptable to its context; one size does not fit all. The ethos, general shape, and character of the GDP are laid down by the Academic Board of the University, but the specifics of implementation rest at subject programme level. GDP may be embedded in a programme or module, or delivered in free-standing sessions. In either case the sessions are clearly identified as part of GDP.

The programme includes twelve hours in a tutor-led group at level one, eight hours at level two and four hours at level three. 

Activities should be responsive, as far as possible within the common framework, to students’ needs. This may include the need for individual tutorials.

Completion of the Programme is achieved by attendance at seventy five per cent of GDP sessions and the submission of a 500 word personal reflection.

GDP is in the third year of its implementation and so far approximately three thousand students have qualified each year at level one and two thousand at level two.


For a detailed version of the poster please see:

UWE GDP poster.pdf




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