
University of Exeter

Page history last edited by Norman Jackson 14 years, 8 months ago

The Exeter Award & Exeter Leaders Award

Jon Boyes

Trainer and Award Support Officer

Careers and Employment Service, University of Exeter


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The Exeter Award is an achievement award open to undergraduate and taught postgraduate students at the University of Exeter. The Award is designed to enhance the employability of graduates by providing official recognition and evidence of extra-curricular activities and achievements. These include: attendance at skills sessions and training courses, facilitating/organising sporting and musical activities, engagement in work experience and voluntary work and other activities that enhance their employability.


Compulsory elements:

  1. A minimum of 25 hrs work experience or volunteering
  2. Planning Your CV OR Effective Applications session
  3. Personal development /skills session
  4.  The Interview Experience


Plus two optional activities chosen from a wide range of employability opportunities on campus, or suggested by the student.


The Exeter Leaders Award provides progression for those students who have achieved their Exeter Award. It focuses on leadership and achievement.



  1. Leaders Award application form
  2. Evidence of leadership activity OR an outstanding achievement
  3. Leadership Skills session
  4. Understanding Psychometric Testing OR Mock Interview with Employer
  5. Corporate Social Responsibility OR Sustainability OR Commercial Awareness skills session
  6. 500 word profile
  7. Careers adviser interview OR presentation


Facts and figures

  • The Award was launched in October 2008 and over 200 students completed it in the first year.
  • 1,400 students have registered for the Award so far this academic year
  • There are currently 4,100 students in total registered on the Award
  • There are currently 26, 000 student opportunities on campus that contribute to the Award
  • There are currently 40 students registered on the Leaders Award and 8 students completed it in the first year


Jon Boyes

Trainer and Award Support Officer

Careers and Employment Service, University of Exeter


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