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This is the first national conference that has tried to bring together educational practitioners, institutional leaders, students, employer representatives and interested agencies and networks to share their perspectives and practices and consider the opportunities and challenges afforded by co-curricular and extra-curricular Award schemes.
To promote discussion about the value, opportunities and challenges afforded by the concepts of life-wide learning and life-wide education and the recognition and award schemes that have been developed to draw benefit from these forms of learning.
To facilitate networking by bring people together who are involved in promoting and facilitating students’ learning and development through co- and extra-curricular experiences and or who organise award schemes that recognise and value such learning
To encourage the sharing of experiences and practices so that we all might be better informed develop knowledge about these schemes through their documentation.
To develop a better understanding of the ways in which co-curricular and extra-curricular awards are encouraging, recognising and valuing students' lifewide learning and achievements
Recent surveys have shown that at least fifty universities in the UK are now offering award schemes that promote and value learning gained beyond the academic curriculum.
Following the untimely death of Professor Michael Pittilo, Vice Chancellor of The Robert Gordon University,
who was to have contributed to the conference, we are dedicating the conference to his memory.
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